Monday, July 21, 2008

ACC Ngats policy disaster

So Key has announced another policy and wow! IT HAS 83 WORDS. I didn't know they would have such detailed policy so early in the campaign. What an insult to workers of NZ that they think they can put at risk a very successful workers insurance and compensation scheme.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Sydney (PWC) wrote considerable more than 83 words in fact they undertook a substantial stock take – a 500+ page review of ACC in which they said that they had formed “a moderately strong view that a government monopoly is the best observable mechanism for implementing the ACC employers account. The Report also found that that in comparison with schemes overseas the dispute rate in New Zealand is very low. In particular for workplace claims, ACC’s dispute rate of 0.2% compares with an Australian average of around 9%. The report found ACC’s universal coverage (which removes most of the coverage boundaries) and the lack of employer experience ratings of premiums may also contribute to the lower level of disputes. (source CTU)

If competition is allowed into the system what happens to the workers who change job where is the security of cover for them? And if a worker has an accident or has a record of disputing ACC claims does this make them less employable for a company who may have to pay more his/her increased risk.

Sure ACC needs to be held to account and we need the best bang for buck that we can get out of our ACC dollar but we don't want our ACC dollar going to feather the nest of private enterprise whose sole interest is profits

Here's what a far more prolific blogger than I writes follow the link for more...

“…All of this is strong empirical evidence that privatisation would be bad for New Zealanders. But it would be very good for foreign insurance companies, who stand to profit by tens of millions a year from even a part privatisation. Which shows you where National's true interests lie: not in working for kiwis, but in looting the state for the benefit of its donors and cronies.”

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