Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Flip Flop goes John Key

I watched question time in Parliament yesterday and was encouraged to see how pathetic Mr Key appears. Labours best hope is Mr Key, he offers no substance, no policy, no clear direction and he is getting tripped up on any policy hints that he is letting slip or 'announcing'.

I hope the country learns to see through this hollow man in time, for a man who flip flops on critical policy areas can't be trusted. He has flip flopped several times already in the last few years so even if he produced a party manifesto we've no guaranty that he want flop again. What are his true colours you see if you can figure it out. If you can let me know and if you can't DON'T PUT YOUR TRUST IN HIM!

Flip flop 1

(Sep 03) Flip: The Ngats are dead keen to send troops to Iraq! Key said NZ was “missing in action” during the invasion of Iraq
(Jul 07) Flop: Key backs away “We wouldn’t have sent troops to Iraq.”

Flip flop 2

(May 05) Flip: Key promotes climate change conspiracy theory Key said climate change “is a complete and utter hoax”
(Nov 06) Flop: “I firmly believe in climate change and always have”

Flip flop 3: Key on railways
(May 08) Flip: Key said buying back the railways was “a dumb idea”
(May 08) Flop: “we'll have no option but to keep the assets they will have acquired from Toll Holdings” I wonder if this has anything to do with the 68% support and 20% opposed to the buy back, even 56% of Ngat voters support the buy back!

Flip flop 4: Student loans
(Nov 05)Flip: Interest free loans were “an unaffordable and irresponsible cost to the country!”
(Jan 08) Flop: “We will keep interest-free student loans for tertiary students” Key is desperate to be be Labour-lite and doesn't want to loos the support of students and their parents (until after the election I suspect)

Voters should be concerned that the flip flop man is either indecisive or evasive - what are his real colours? Will we know before its too late?

Check back for more flip flops they are as regular as clockwork and I'll keep you posted

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