Monday, July 28, 2008

It is working - for families!

I couldn't bear to put flip-flop in my title again, but sure enough today Key does another about turn. This time saying that they won't throw out The Working for Families package.

Has he finally realised that this tax cut is actually working for families? Its hardly middle class welfare. Its about investing in our children by making sure that our families are not over burdened by high taxes.

They voted against it Key calling it 'communism by stealth'. So is John Key a communist - I think not. (Hansard 13 Dec 05)

Why would they hang on to it?

Political expediency one must presume - it seems as though they's sell their soul to get into power.

What I am concerned about though is that there was a "we will not get rid of it immediately", type feel about what he was saying. (Just like State owned assets)

At heart the Ngats want low tax rate and minium redistribution of wealth, minimum governent and minimum government services.

And the figures just don't add up. They want to keep all the good stuff Labour has done invest, in public infrastructure, $1billion broadband for example, and give generous tax cuts.

And Oh no, they won't borrow to give tax cuts - they may borrow to invest in infrastructure. Tell me what is the effective difference PLEASE!

I won't borrow any money for my oversea holiday instead I'll use the money I saved for the new kitchen and then I'll borrow some money for the kitchen oh yes much better why didn't I think of that sooner!

Must remember to ask John Key to help me balance my cheque book!

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