Thursday, July 24, 2008

Flip Flop Flap

John Key is working him self into a flap a Flip Flop Flap. This slippery politician either doesn't know what he or his party believes in or he is being deliberately evasive.
Take some of these important issues that New Zealander have come to value dearly.

Nuclear Free New Zealand
John Key believed that Labour’s anti-nuclear legislation was bad for New Zealand, he supported Don Brash's comments "gone by lunch time" and I suspect that is his true colours yet he flopped for political expediency. What will he do if in power?

(Oct 03) The anti-nuke legislation is “bad news for economic growth and for our job market”
(Sep 07) “we're going to stick with the anti-nuclear legislation”

Affordable housing
John Key was against plans to bring affordable housing to his electorate, It might spoil the neighbourhood I suppose, once again he flopped and said he was for it.

(Jun 06) Hobsonville is “economic vandalism” and “National are committed to cancelling it”
(Feb 08) “I'm in favour of the, of the affordable housing they might build there [Hobsonville]”

John Key was against it, saying KiwiSaver was “fundamentally flawed”, he said the Michael Cullen was dreaming that it would never work. Now that 750000 kiwis have signed up he seems to have had a memory lapse.

(Feb 06) KiwiSaver is “fundamentally flawed” and “a glorified Christmas Club.”
(Aug 07) KiwiSaver “was probably gonna be successful and not too bad.”

Sale of Public Assets
John Key was keen to sell off state assets, before he did a partial flop and said he was against it “in the first term”.

(Mar 05) Landcorp and Solid Energy will be “sold down” and there’s “no reason to own Air NZ”
(Apr 08) “in the first term of the National government there will be no state assets that will be sold” yet it does look like he is preparing to package some state assets for sale.

For Sale: TVNZ & Radio NZ under National National’s privatisation plan for broadcasting means scrapping the charter and preparing our public broadcasters for sale.
For Sale: One perfectly good ACC scheme going cheap to Australia?

Will he flip or flop on ACC?

ACC: “…24 hour no fault blah, blah, blah” That’s how John Key described ACC after releasing their policy to privatise our world leading accident insurance scheme. Key was sloppy as well as slippery with the details of what National would do, however we know that Australian insurance companies will be the winners and kiwi workers will be the losers. The CTU did a handy analysis of what National's changes could mean to workers.

Early Childhood Education
John Key said Labour’s early childhood education was a fraud, then he flopped and said he supports early childhood education. But take careful note of the way they have dropped the word 'free'

(Jul 07): “We won’t keep [ECE]…it’s simply not working and it’s frankly a fraud”
(Apr 08) “we support early childhood education”

20 Hours FREE Early Childhood Education, but not under Key 85,000 3 and 4 year olds are now enjoying 20 hours of free early childhood education each week, but under National’s newly released policy they have conveniently removed the word ‘free’ revealing their true intentions.

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