Friday, June 27, 2008

Is Key's financial experience worth anything???

John Key when debating the kiwsaver scheme was vehemently opposed and he predicted that it would flop on 2 March 2006 he said in Parliament

if Michael Cullen thinks that 25 percent of New Zealanders will have a serious KiwiSaver account in 5 years’ time, he is deluded, in la-la land, dreaming—or probably all three.

Well Mr Key who is deluded? The take up for kiwisaver has been a phenomenal success 25% of kiwis took up the scheme, within 6 months and the numbers continue to grow rapidly.

A report on 13 March 2008 confirms this: "New Zealanders across income brackets, age groups, and ethnicities are embracing KiwiSaver according to an evaluation report released today by Finance Minister Michael Cullen and Revenue Minister Peter Dunne.
Inland Revenue’s first six-monthly evaluation report shows that the majority of KiwiSavers have been attracted to the scheme because it provides an opportunity to secure a greater income for retirement.
The figures in the evaluation are based on only the first six months of
KiwiSaver – there has been a significant shift towards automatic enrolments since the report was completed – but the Ministers said it provided further evidence of KiwiSaver’s success.
“Nearly 500,000 people have joined KiwiSaver – a number that shatters
initial expectations,” Dr Cullen said.

If Mr Key can be that wrong on such a successful and important piece of legislation and economic management why would we trust him to hold the countries purse strings?

Muldoon made the same mistake in 1975 and undid Labours Superannuation scheme which if allowed to continue would have had huge benefits for NZ up to the present day and beyond. Many of our retired citizens would be much better of now if Kirk's scheme had continued.

What now John Key are you going to rob another generation of their retirement income to protect the interests of you buddies in the financial industry?


Political Animal said...

All the spin, bluster, bribes and lies aren’t working.

In a trend that has continued for a year now, National have been way ahead of Labour in the Polls, latest Roy Morgan Poll:

Roy Morgan have accurately picked elections and their polling up to elections has been deadly accurate. The 20 point lead by National hasn’t changed for months:

“These results present Helen Clark with a huge challenge to gain re-election. At the latest, the New Zealand Election must be held by early November and time is quickly running out for Clark to find away to connect with the electorate.”

There are going to have to be even more massive bribes using taxpayer money to get Labour even close come polling day.

Labour is going to have to get even dirtier than they have already.

Good news for NZ though.

micah68 said...

It seems that John keys policy announcemnts aren't working. Up until now labour have been involved in a false battle. Now that the Ngats have begun to relase their policy the gaps in the polls begin to close. Hope rises maybe NZers are awakening to the horrible possibility of another Ngat lead goivernemtn and all the evil that means.

Labour only needs to be in the mid 30s to govern as a minoirty governemtn the Ngats need 50% plus because no-will coalesece with them I guess they are getting nervous.

micah68 said...

Kiwisaver continues to thrive in spite of John Key's adament insistence that it was bound to flop. This difference between the Ngats at the Labour-led government is rhetoric versus substance!
The only thing flopping around here is John Key who regularly flip flops see my Flip Flop , post 23 July