Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Doctors visits

Next to market rentals on state housing the prospect of increased costs of doctors visits is one that makes me most anxious about the idea of a National governemnt. I base this on National's track record and potential policy. I say potential for two reason I still hold hope for a Labour lead government after the election, call me an optimist - and who really knows what national are planning with their We'll tell you during the campaign diversionary tactic and their record of breaking promises after previous elections. National is not in touch with middle New Zealand. They have no idea what it was like in the 90s when parents could not afford to take their children to the doctor. Tony Ryall has indicated that they will remove the cap on the fees GPs can charge - this pandering to the greed of Doctors can not possibly help primary health outcomes for families struggling on average and below incomes.

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