Tuesday, June 17, 2008

snake in the grass

Good on you John Cambell you've hit the nail on the head describing John Key "as slippery as a snake in wet grass"
Why do people like him?
Why would anyone wany him as PM?
It defies reason and goes to show that politics is often beyond reason!

There's no policy to base a Key vote on. He reckons they've announced 14 policies this year well I bet 13.5 of them were labour policies to start with and I FEAR that the real policy launch will come post election as has proven the case with the last two National governments.

There no charisma or attractive personality he appears nice and sincere in a snake in the grass kind of way. But sincere is no credential for a politican plenty of politican have been sincere and sincerely wrong. Have you seen his video blogs? They're pretty flat really and full of air with no substance. They follow the pattern "there 'x' problem and we will do somethign about it and will tell you what we are going to do some time closer to the election - rivotting!

Maybe its his skill as a leader - hang on we have not seen any of that yet either. It's been a fairly smooth run, just one slap on the hand with a wet bust ticket for Northland MP Mr Carter. How will he go at managing cabinet? running the country? Who knows? who can tell?
Why the hell would you wnat to vote for him? A I say it baffles the simple minded like me. But it leaves me with the horrible prophetic image of waking up the morning (or month) after the elction and wondering what on earth we did to deserve a snake in the grass.

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