Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What does "Family Intergity" stand for

I quote a length from a speech given by
Sister Marcellin Wilson CNZM
Convent of Mercy

Speaking to Zonta Women’s Breakfast Meeting to commemorate United Nations Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 25th November 2007.

Have any of you read the material produced by a group calling themselves “Family Integrity “? They produced an eight page leaflet entitled “Christian Foundation on the Institution of Corporal Correction”? This was issued in 2005 in the period of intense advocacy preceding the Repeal of Section 59 of the Crimes Act when the authority of the parents was deemed by some groups to be under threat.
Within this one document there are sixteen instances where the Bible is quoted. Here is their introductory paragraph. Listen for the heavy weight given to Bible quotations here.
Would you first like to take time to remember a moment which is precious to you because of your relationship with a child, son, daughter or grandchild? Hold this image in your mind while you listen to this reading:
“Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction will drive it far from him” Proverbs 22; 15 \This is a foundational statement about the nature of the child. Jeremiah. 17; 9 expands on this;” The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked” All humans have this sinful nature which is the result of our fall in Adam & Eve. Gen 3; 1-24. Children are NOT blank tapes who learn evil from elders, an idea championed by John Locke in the 1600s. Evil is not picked up from the environment, as behaviorists such as B.F. Skinner would advise; it is already in their hearts and in our adult hearts even still) from conception. Children are NOT little bundles of innocence; they are little bundles of depravity. See Psalm. 51; 5) and can develop into unrestrained agents of evil unless trained and disciplined. Selfishness, violence, lying, cheating, stealing and other such manifestations of rebellion are just the child unpacking some of this sinful foolishness from the vast store in his heart”
“Smacking may be a 10-15minute process. Go to a private room, collect the smacking rod.” p.8 “If the child is angry after the smack (slamming doors, pouting etc) you have not smacked hard enough”

Does what we have just heard bring us any closer to an understanding of how a selective, a literal and non contextualized interpretation of scripture can be loaded to authorize oppressive ‘family values’?
How can any Christian group accept literally these four Old Testament
descriptions of children and ignore their founder’s teachings about children?

Family Integrity publication by Craig Smith 2005. “What does then Bible say about….p.3, 7 & 8.


This is the group that wants the repeal of section 59 overturned so that they can beat their kids hard enough to get the sin and evil out of them and beat them unitl they have their spirit defeated and no longer protest. It sickens me that this rubbish defames the name of Jesus and gioves licence to o violence in his name.

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