Thursday, February 14, 2008

The truth please Mr Key

What are National Leader John Key's real intentions regarding affordable housing should he become PM (God-forbid) . He has been caught out telling porkies about the housing development at Hobsonville in his electorate (Mind you there is some confusion as to where John Key actually lives he's got houses all over the place and can't remember them all himself.) The governement has proposed that a third the sections in this estate are reserved for affordable housing.

John Key was adamant in his opposition just a few months back when he said; on Radion NZ

"You’re talking about very expensive land. I mean I would describe it as
economic vandalism frankly to be doing what Housing New Zealand are

He later added "National are committed to cancelling it, once we get back into Government."

Yet yesterday on Radio NZ he said
"...if you look at Government land well Hobsonville is in my electorate,
they've identified that as a place where affordable housing could be built. I
agree with them

Tell me how am I supposed to read this you may make your selection from the follwoing list

a. Key told Porkies last June as was politically expedient
b. Key told Porkies yesterday as was politically expedient
c. Key doesn't know what he said back in June because he and his party have no consistent policy framework or philosphy to guide such positions save, feathering the nest of his cronies
d. Key has become a soft Torrie and will soon be seeking nomination for the Labour Party
e. Who the hell knows

Key is at least right now in agreeing with the proposal to build affordable housing, let's get on with let's keep the private sector munnygrubas at arms distance or the affordable housing will either be second rate or psuedo-affordable.

Truth can never be told so as to be understood, and not be believ'd.
William Blake


Anonymous said...

What is this
"What are National Leader John Key's real intentions regarding affordable housing should he become PM (God-forbid)"

Do you expect God to stop John Key from becoming Prime Minister.

Please just get a life. Who cares if National wins the election.

micah68 said...

No I don't expect God to stop Mr Key from winning the election. Even God couldn't sink the Titanic.

As to who cares - the point is not enough people care!
Not enough people care that if National repeats the record of its last two governments it will either leave the country in economic ruin (remember 1984) or social dissaray, remember Richardson and Shipley.

No not enough people care, that if John key's government were to sell of the rest of the country's assets to his rich mates that it would be the low income workers, the beneficiary and others dependent on state intervention that would suffer.

I trust that if you are intersted enough to read a politcal blog that you do care about something I hope it is more than just yourself.