Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Gnat Strainers

It seems that the Gnat Strainers are a peeved with the PM for 'stealing' 'their' policy. Two suprises really 1. I didn't know the Gnats had any policy of their own and 2. Isn't it the pot calling the kettle black. Any so called policy (and little detail has been released) that the Gnats tends to talk about is Labour-like and Labour-lite.

Paul Bennet (A Gnat) wrote

"The Prime Minister, in her opening speech to Parliament, proclaimed that Labour suddenly intended to 'develop a stronger relationship between government and NGOs'. "She went on to say Labour's 'new funding model will see essential services with which we have multi-year programmes…funded for the full cost of delivering the agreed service'. "Helen Clark also talked about reducing duplication and compliance costs for NGOs. "Shame on you, Prime Minister. Those commitments form the basis of National's Community Groups policy unveiled by John Key in May last year. "

This government at least has a track record for working with NGOs and is trying to delivery the best possible outcomes. National have a record of cutting government spending thrusting social service onto the NGOs and not putting up sufficient funding for their overburdened services.

As a leader of a church which oversees three significant government funded NGOs I know whose track record I trust. I say strain out the Gnats but don't forget the Camels (See my first post if you miss the analogy)

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