Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The least of these

I went to meeting with Sue Bradford last week, where she rehearsed the events leading up to the repeal of section 59. She began by saying she had never anticipated that she'd still be talking about it now. One very brave man from the kiwi party was there and spoke up. I must say it was very dispassionate and intelligent discussion all credit to both sides.
However I I still want to hang my head in shame that a 'Christian Party' has as it flag ship policy the overturning of the repeal. I've been corresponding with Gordon Copeland on this. This is what I wrote to him today

Why a Christian party would want to have as one its main policies the right to commit acts of violence against children astounds me. Let me offer an analogy. I may be the best driver in the world with a faultless record superb reactions 100% guaranteed to never have a crash even if I consistently drove at 120km/h. Yet I know that other people are not as good as me at driving so I will support the 100kmh open road law so as to reduce the carnage on our roads. As a good parent I may be able to smack my kids in a consistently loving way, 100% confident that I will never cause them any harm. However in acknowledgement of other people's lesser ability to control the rod that spares the child I will forgo my 'right' so that there may be less carnage in our living rooms.

I don't think the Kiwi Party stands much chance of getting a seat in Parliament (sorry Gordon) so their political position is of no major consequence. However their theological position is of concern. Is the God of love revealed in Jesus one who condones violence or does God stand opposed to all violence and oppression. Their message certainly resonates within sections of the church and it gives the whole church a bad name.

I must add that a number of Christians were at Sue's meeting including South Dunedin Alliance Candidate Kay Murray along with some Anglicans, Quakers, Focal members and yours truly a Baptist.

How do we take the heat out of this debate so that we can share some light and move things forward for the sake of our children.

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