Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First week of Ngats in parliament

Well the first week of parliament is all but over and as expected the new government is showing its colours. What are some of the highlights?
Some teething problems. Gerry Brownlee who I gather prepares the order paper didn’t do his homework very well including on the order paper bills from the previous government which national had opposed in opposition, has shown no sign of wanting to proceed on and did not need to include – what’s the point!
Lockwood Smith, It is traditional for the speaker to be lead to the chair (Dragged even) unwillingly, but Mr W3 can’t be desmiled. Oh and he needs to learn how to pronounce some of our MPs names it was shame that he could pronounce Nanaia Mahuta’s names they’ve only been in parliament together for the last 12 years so I s’pose we should give him a chance.

But that is just the silly stuff – others things are far more concerning.
Pushing through significant legislation through under urgency, while there is a time and a place for this with some of the stuff being rushed through this week it really does seem undemocratic.
Take the ninety day sacking bill (Hey they rhymes with smacking bill –aint it fun to be in opposition and have naming rights). The fundament rights of workers are being corroded by this bill – in the name of helping people get into jobs Yeah Right! This should be open to public consultation.
Removing the quota for biofuels I bet Mr Rodney Hyde was pleased with that one – he doesn’t believe in climate change so why take action? Is this the thin edge of the wedge, the start of the slippery slope? What next to further degrade our international reputation?
Kiwisaver, slash and burn. 2% +2% doesn’t equal enough either to build up an adequate nest egg to retire on or to allow compatibility with Australian schemes and encourage East bound trans-Tasman migration
Tax cuts – Yep here’s the Ngats true colours the poorest poor are worse off than they would have been under a Labour tax cut and the wealthy well you know the rest.
And how about the truancy policy instead of an fence at the top of the cliff that put the paddy wagon at the bottom of the cliff and fine ‘bad’ parents $3,000 if their kids play hookey.

All this is depressing me I’ll post it now to get it off my chest and come back soon to attack it some more